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When you receive this email, please reply with a brief message to let us know how you are doing and whether we can share your message with your brothers through the site. --- Also if you would like to write something for next month's Trestle Board, please send it as a reply to this email or send it to the Secretary marked: include in Trestleboard.---
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New Smyrna Lodge No. 149
1st & 3rd Mondays
Sanford Lodge No. 62
1st & 3rd Tuesdays

Landmark Lodge No. 383
2nd & 4th Thursdays
Volusia Lodge No. 77
2nd & 4th Mondays
Ormond Beach Lodge No. 326
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
St. Johns Lodge No. 37
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Memorial Lodge
After the Master Mason's Association
Meeting at that Location
Master Masons Association:
1st Wednesday 6 pm Location TBA
Open Books/School of Instruction: 4th Saturdays, 8 am (St Johns Lodge)

Monthly meetings

Deland Chapter #16, Easter Star
1st and 3rd Monday @ 7:30 pm
Seminole Forest #193, Tall Cedars
1st Saturday @ 2 pm
Daytona Beach Court #44, Amaranth
3rd Friday @7:30 pm
Deland Assembly #31, IORG
2nd and 4th Thursday @ 7 pm
Deland Assembly #31, Pledge Group
2nd Saturday at 10 am

October 2021 Trestle Board
2557 N Spring Garden Ave.
Deland, FL 32720
(386) 734- 9827

Stated Communication 2nd and 4th Tuesday's
Fellowship and meal at 6:30PM
Tyled meeting at 7:30PM

L O D G E O F F I C E R S:

Worshipful Master : Kevin D Schmidt deland37master@gmail.com 407-855-0948
Senior Warden : Christopher C. Franklin ccfranklin2006@yahoo.com 386-717-4791
Senior Warden : Marc A. DiCaprio marccd1227@hoymail.com 386-337-0542
Treasurer : MW:. Steven P Boring
Secretary : W:. Mitchell R Franklin mitch.franklin383@gmail.com 386-507-5322
Senior Deacon : Walter Alvarado wally1075@yahoo.com

Junior Deacon : Henry A Schlenk
Junior Steward : Lewis R Junk
Chaplain : H. William Elder
Marshal : W:. A J Morganelli
Tyler : W:. David Eunice

P A S T M A S T E R S E X T E N T :
Coming Soon

P E R P E T U A L M E M B E R S:
  1. William Blair Timothy P Boring Steven P Boring Bryan R Coffey Charles T Craft John W Crispens Lewis C Dansby Jr Donald B Dempsey Marc A DiCaprio David Z Eunice Mitchell R Franklin Christopher C Franklin Ronald N Herman Harry M Joyner III Lewis R Junk Marc A Kagan Jon A Kindell Brandon C Lujan H. Edward McBurney A J Morganelli Edwin Orellano Bruce G Rankin Todd C Richardson Kenneth M Ritter Henry A Schlenk B. Ryan Sponenburgh R. Sandy Thomasson John T Vick Benjamin A Wise


Not Available for Comment


Hello Brethren
October is here! The weather is getting slightly cooler. We are helping the Sorrosis Club of Orange City with their Haunted House if anyone wants to help out. I am setting up a table for Child ID out front. So bring your young ones down and get recorded. Don’t forget about the Outdoor degree Oct 30th I’ll be in the kitchen.
Safe travels
Chris Franklin S.W.


Guard ye well the western gate! I was “exposed” to this concept on my path before I sought Light in Masonry. It was explained it was a Masonic term or phrase and it just meant. Be careful of who you let in because once they are in, they are in. (my words as I try to remember).
Why would this matter? Because we need quality candidates. What makes quality. The ability to be able, or able to learn, to know and keep our standards no matter how it needs to adapt (evolve) to keep our “fraternity” alive. Again, you could ask why quality, anyone that wants to join can learn. Because Masons make the standard. We don’t keep to the higher standard; we make the higher standard.
But to keep the standard, it must be taught. The Zeal of practice of Brotherhood needs to be felt, and to do that we need everyone who is a brother or Sister in one of the appended orgs… we need to see you, hear you, know you… everyone understands Life changes and things can be different then before making it harder, but not impossible to come. Please come and just visit during dinner even if you can not stay for the meeting. Come to whatever events to be support no matter how small, especially if you feel we should be doing bigger and better events. So do we, but unfortunately the amount of support we have with what we are doing, is either the best we can do, or the best we feel we can do while having a successful event.
Everyone wants to part of a big successful lodge. But for that to happen we need the craft to be active also. IF we are going to be successful, we need one or more of your time, talent and resources. Also stop thinking the elected Officers are supposed to do everything. Officers are elected to manage or lead, and yes, I feel lead from the front, which to me means being physically part of it. But what I see most is the elected officers are supposed to lead, do, deal with any circumstances that come up etc., (by us) then be told how it could have been better by people no one saw during any part of planning or execution.
The excuse I did it before, or in my year, don’t hold water…. No matter how well your year or time was, it is behind us, part of our foundation. That foundation is getting weaker and weaker so get back here and get active to help repair, reinforce and build better into the future. Because if you do not think your lodge and elected officers are not doing enough or good enough, its on the craft. Why? Because you the craft are not giving your officers enough to manage; not to do. Giving the officers enough to manage means you not only give ideas, but you also take charge of doing it, whatever it is. With support of the officers and lodge. Yes, let you have all the stress of that one event, while the officer in charge of that activity is working with and checking on you and several other projects at the same time.
Brothers and friends, I am not trying to stir the pot, I am trying to shake the tree and wake you up. Its not the officers that make or break a lodge, it the membership. Going through the chairs for me is helping me learn new things or do things I already knew or avoided better. If the membership has any zeal or passion for Masonry, it can and will survive any officer that may make it through that’s not up to par.
Without the crafts (your) passion is the way, and only way, the Lodge will fail. Without your, the crafts, zeal any potential members will find it hard to see the brotherhood and real reasons to become a part of our great fraternity. Even if a Lodge has the best elected officers ever known to exist, without the membership participation the sands of time will erode the gears of the physical fraternity and our works will be come stories of old and the hope that this fraternity does give, the hope that this fraternity and St. Johns Lodge no. 37 showed me still live in this world and helped me and my family will be only a memory to a few; and a conspiracy theory to the rest.

Fraternally, Marc DiCaprio JW

From the Secretary's Desk:


This month October, begins our final quarter of the calendar year. Lots of happenings during this time of year. Please be cognizant of your surrounding when out in the public sector. Stay safe and remember to LOCK you vehicles and cover your packages when shopping.

For the Month of September

6th Master Masons Association Meeting at New Smyrna Lodge No. 149

9th Masonic Service for late Brother of St Johns Lodge W:. Peter Van Ness Lankford Funeral Home 220 E New York Ave Deland, FL 9:00AM

12th & 26th Scheduled Stated Communications St Johns Lodge No. 37

23th Scheduled Open Books and School of Instruction 8am & 9am

30th 13th Masonic District OUTDOOR Degree

Candidates and Degrees:
Currently we have 3 Entered Apprentices, working on their respective Proficiencies. They are; Phillip Drew, Raymond Wooten II, and Clint Furrow. 1 FC working on his proficiencies Tim Lambert , hopefully to be a candidate for the Outdoor Degree. Bro. Robert 'Doc' Urban was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason courtesy of Palatka Lodge No. 34 on September 30.
Bro Kevin Gerlach was presented his Holy Bible and working tools on Sept. 14th Bro. Lew Junk was presented his working tools on Sept 28... by the Worshipful Secretary. We will be balloting on a petition for the 3 degree of Freemasonry of Mr. Wm. D Clark on October 26.

2021 Committees:

SW Christopher C Franklin CHAIRMAN
Treasurer MWPGM Steven P Boring

Chaplin H. William Elder
Brother W:. R. Sandy Thomasson

Every Member of St Johns, as assigned by Worshipful Master

Masonic Education:
SW Christopher C Franklin CHAIRMAN/ Lodge Instructor
Secretary W:. Mitchell R Franklin
Brother TBA

Board of Relief:
WM Kevin D Schmidt CHAIRMAN
SW Christopher C Franklin
JW Marc A DiCaprio

WM Kevin D Schmidt CHAIRMAN
SW Christopher C Franklin
Brother W:. Harvey King

Lodge Property:
W:. Harvey king
Lewis R Junk

JPM W:. Charles P Lindner CHAIRMAN
SD Walter Alvarado
JD Henry Schlenk

Special Events:
SW Christopher C Franklin CHAIRMAN
JW Marc A DiCaprio Coordinator
Secretary Mitchell R Franklin Logistics
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Links to other groups meeting nearby...

Located at 2557 N. Spring Garden Ave
(the NorthEast Corner of Glenwood Rd and State Road 15-A)
Stated Communications are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays.
Dinner at 6:30 pm and meeting at 7:30 pm.
Lodge email addresses: stjohnslodge37@outlook.com