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When you receive this email, please reply with a brief message to let us know how you are doing and whether we can share your message with your brothers through the site. --- Also if you would like to write something for next month's Trestle Board, please send it as a reply to this email or send it to the Secretary marked: include in Trestleboard.---


New Smyrna Lodge No. 149
1st & 3rd Mondays
Sanford Lodge No. 62
1st & 3rd Tuesdays

Landmark Lodge No. 383
2nd & 4th Thursdays
Volusia Lodge No. 77
2nd & 4th Mondays
Ormond Beach Lodge No. 326
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
St. Johns Lodge No. 37
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Memorial Lodge
After the Master Mason's Association
Meeting at that Location
Master Masons Association:
1st Wednesday 6 pm Location TBA
Open Books/School of Instruction: 4th Saturdays, 8 am (St Johns Lodge)

Monthly meetings

Deland Chapter #16, Easter Star
1st and 3rd Monday @ 7:30 pm
Seminole Forest #193, Tall Cedars
1st Saturday @ 2 pm
Daytona Beach Court #44, Amaranth
3rd Friday @7:30 pm
Deland Assembly #31, IORG
2nd and 4th Thursday @ 7 pm
Deland Assembly #31, Pledge Group
2nd Saturday at 10 am

Links to other groups meeting nearby...

Located at 2557 N. Spring Garden Ave
(the NorthEast Corner of Glenwood Rd and State Road 15-A)
Stated Communications are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays.
Dinner at 6:30 pm and meeting at 7:30 pm.
Lodge email addresses: stjohnslodge37@outlook.com
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September 2021 Trestle Board
2557 N Spring Garden Ave.
Deland, FL 32720
(386) 734- 9827

Stated Communication 2nd and 4th Tuesday's
Fellowship and meal at 6:30PM
Tyled meeting at 7:30PM

L O D G E O F F I C E R S:

Worshipful Master : Kevin D Schmidt deland37master@gmail.com 407-855-0948
Senior Warden : Christopher C. Franklin ccfranklin2006@yahoo.com 386-717-4791
Senior Warden : Marc A. DiCaprio marccd1227@hoymail.com 386-337-0542
Treasurer : MW:. Steven P Boring
Secretary : W:. Mitchell R Franklin mitch.franklin383@gmail.com 386-507-5322
Senior Deacon : Walter Alvarado wally1075@yahoo.com

Junior Deacon : Henry A Schlenk
Junior Steward : Lewis R Junk
Chaplain : H. William Elder
Marshal : W:. A J Morganelli
Tyler : W:. David Eunice

P A S T M A S T E R S E X T E N T :
Coming Soon

P E R P E T U A L M E M B E R S:
  1. William Blair Timothy P Boring Steven P Boring Bryan R Coffey Charles T Craft John W Crispens Lewis C Dansby Jr Donald B Dempsey Marc A DiCaprio David Z Eunice Mitchell R Franklin Christopher C Franklin Ronald N Herman Harry M Joyner III Lewis R Junk Marc A Kagan Jon A Kindell Brandon C Lujan H. Edward McBurney A J Morganelli Edwin Orellano Bruce G Rankin Todd C Richardson Kenneth M Ritter Henry A Schlenk B. Ryan Sponenburgh R. Sandy Thomasson John T Vick Benjamin A Wise


The other day I was having a bad day and things just seemed to go from bad to worse. I was knee deep in my job and trying to multi-task doing lodge work. When I was talking to my officers and getting frustrated with the answers I was getting, it made matters worse. Things got a bit out of control and things were about to be said that would not do anyone any good. Then the SD put us in our place by saying something I needed to hear and remember. My Brothers, “Let us be united, and practice with diligence the sacred tenets of our Order. Let all private animosities, if any unhappily exist, give place to affection and Brotherly Love
Brother’s. That was the one thing I needed to hear. We recite the opening and closing charges at our meeting, but do we hear what is being said? Or do we choose to let it go in one ear and out the other?
WM:. Kevin Schmidt


Not Available for Comment


Hello from the South,
Hope this finds everyone well. Things have been busy around the Lodge; everyone has something going on and that is wonderful. I would just like to ask that everyone, not just “the ones in charge” keep an eye out and help keep things cleaned and straightened up. Remember our fraternity don’t live up to a higher standard, we make the standard. (Look throughout history)
By the time you are reading this our pork butt fundraiser will be completed and I sure hope you all got in on it. Several members of the Lodge will be up all-night smoking them der butts.
I would like to remind everyone that the Sorosis Club in Orange City has asked for our help with their Annual Haunted House. They need help with construction and cast while its open. I have helped in the past and it has always been a good time. If you are interested contact me.
If you haven’t been to Lodge in a while, you really are missing out. We have some excellent Brothers coming up. Come tell your stories to them. Ignite their zeal to learn and reignite yours. We all win.
May Abundance fall on all who read this and spread to everyone they gaze upon.

From the Secretary's Desk:


I am Very Proud to say, That aside from the NPD's from 2020, there are N O brothers in peril of being
suspended for NPD in masonic year 6021AL. Well done Good and Faithful Servants, Thou has been faithful over these things. The GMOV is happening this month in Deland, I hope all have made their respective RSVP's to DDGM Dishman in time. I hope to see your there.

For the Month of September

1st Master Masons Association Meeting at Sanford Lodge No. 62

14th & 28th Scheduled Stated Communications St Johns Lodge No. 37

25th Scheduled Open Books and School of Instruction 8am & 9am

Candidates and Degrees:
Currently we have 3 Entered Apprentices, working on their respective Proficiencies. They are; Phillip Drew, Raymond Wooten II, and Clint Furrow. 1 EA being Passed to Fellow Craft is Tim Lambert 1 Fellow Craft was raised to master Mason is Kevin Gerlach

Bro Junk was presented his Lambskin on August 24th. In attendance was his Lady Bunny as well as other Honored Guest and family members. On September 14th at our Stated Communication, the Craft will be balloting on the adoption of a resolution relating to GM EO #4 : Particularly: balloting to reinstate a suspended Brother from NPD status without remitting financial obligations or per/capita for that masonic year. The Lodge needs your investment. Hope to see you there. Our Charity for this month is the GoFundMe account set up for the surviving children of RW Alan Heise. Step-Son of MW Steve Boring (who he and his wife recently passed away) from complications of COVID

2021 Committees:

SW Christopher C Franklin CHAIRMAN
Treasurer MWPGM Steven P Boring

Chaplin H. William Elder
Brother W:. R. Sandy Thomasson

Every Member of St Johns, as assigned by Worshipful Master

Masonic Education:
SW Christopher C Franklin CHAIRMAN/ Lodge Instructor
Secretary W:. Mitchell R Franklin
Brother TBA

Board of Relief:
WM Kevin D Schmidt CHAIRMAN
SW Christopher C Franklin
JW Marc A DiCaprio

WM Kevin D Schmidt CHAIRMAN
SW Christopher C Franklin
Brother W:. Harvey King

Lodge Property:
W:. Harvey king
Lewis R Junk

JPM W:. Charles P Lindner CHAIRMAN
SD Walter Alvarado
JD Henry Schlenk

Special Events:
SW Christopher C Franklin CHAIRMAN
JW Marc A DiCaprio Coordinator
Secretary Mitchell R Franklin Logistics
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